Sunday, May 31, 2009

Have a workout schedule now

And officially I am attempting to discipline myself into:

1) Blogging more, writing helps me destress and unwind.
2) Wake up every day at 5am for reasons shown below.

My newfound home workout can be found at Gyminee (now DailyBurn). It's called the 3-Day Full Body Workout With Dumbells program, a mouthful but it looks pretty darn good. Now I'm going to set some running and biking goals. Before that though, I thought I would let ya'll know how it's going to work out (pun not intended):

Every day I will wake up at 5am, MTWRFSat, to either do strength training or cardio. MWF will be my strength (the dumbell workout) and TRSat will be my cardio (either running for 25+ minutes or biking 25 minutes-2 hours). And that's it. I will keep track of my workouts here and in a logbook in the basement, will measure myself every week (including chest/biceps/etc.) and input that here and in a program I have, will take photos of myself every month.

Hopefully I will be able to maintain this schedule for the rest of my life, starting with this summer's summer classes + part time job, and next semester's 18 credit hour schedule + possible part time job.

Please pray that I can keep this schedule, according to psych classes I took, everything I'm doing at my age will reflect how the rest of my life will look like. I'm setting up good habits. :)

the sc

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I'm going to be brutally honest right now: I am disappointed in
myself. Sure, I got stuff done today, put up boards on the side of the
house and cleaned my laptop, even started cofiguring the home
server...but I feel unaccomplished.

I feel far from G-d, I haven't been able to workout or run for a month
now, and I feel like I'm on my way to becoming a typical Hungarian
male in 30-40 years: overweight and not caring for the world in the
least bit. That would be my worst nightmare. How am I going to care
for others if I can't even take care of my own body, myself?

I really need to start getting my act together and introduce some
discipline in my life. Discipline with regards to what I eat, what I
do, when I sleep and how I feel.

Please pray for me in that, so that I may prepare myself for G-d's
work in my future.

the sc

Friday, May 01, 2009

This can't be good...

I just got five bsod screens on my windows 7 a row!

the sc

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I can't believe I still have to write my paper. I've been home since 12:20pm and so far all I've done is goof off. :| Watched two episodes of Chuck (great tv show btw) and then just generally surfed the web. Sure, I found some sources....

But the freaking paper is due tomorrow and my brain is fried! Been studying for that exam I took today, and I still have an exam on Monday, Thursday, and then in two weeks Thursday. How am I supposed to do the paper and all that?!

the sc

I'm not gonna lie

I'm thinking about moving out of my parents house next year, just for
a month to see how it would go and then I would go from there.

the sc

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

iTouch 3.0

I downgraded from it, after my brother installed over the weekend. It
was just way too buggy (the NYT app wouldn't work, my organization app
was messed up, everything kept crashing). Bewarned: the 3.0 beta will
not let you sync with iTunes if you are not registered as a developed!

It took me almost 3 hours to get back everything the way it was, and
I'm still not done. The downgrading was easy, if you follow the
tutorials, but restoring the backup I made a couple weeks ago took a
while. After it was restored, apparently iTunes had go manually
install each individual app...and still failed to install iOrganiz
(which I got for free btw, they had some special going on. An amazing
app). Furthermore, all my data from iProcrastinator os gone! I gotta
put back my courses and readings manually all over again. :(

Ah well, at least no more crashes! And now, to sleep...

G-d bless,
the sc

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Iphone 3.0

My younger brother got the beta software and put it on my itouch, I
can confidently say that unless you are desperate for copy and paste
or a landview mail it's a waste of 10$. The copy paste gets annoying
after a while, especially if you're a news junkie like me. When your
reading the BBC from the BBC app, if your finger stays too long on the
text a big blue box will highlight the paragraph and prompt you to
copy. Every single time. It would go a long way to allow the user to
just activate the copy feature by double tapping and then holding down.

But I had a great day so far. Went to the nursery where the toddlers
still remembered me, then went to church and listened to the sermon.
Funnily enough, throughout the entire sermon I kept smelling first my brother and I thought it was the lady next to us.
Turns out it was my mom all along, she prepared the slow cooker to
make some pork for the night and the smell just stuck on her!

Now Im just delaying so I should probably get to studying. We'll see
how that goes, I only got 5 hours of sleep tonight...

the sc

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Studying Nursing Assessment

We have an exam on it on Monday, but man it's boring. I know Id like
to be a nurse, but how is this stuff going to help? Well, ok, so maybe
nurses have to know about evidence based practise and ethical/legal
guidelines. Doesn't mean I don't feel so completely and utterly bored
by it. Wish we could start clinicals ready, I feel like I'm going to
forget everything by the fall.

Speaking of the fall, did anyone else hear Obama comment on how the
current US tradition of a 3 month break from school was made for
agricultural societies? I'm so glad this is getting some attention,
education is finally going to be modernized in the next 4-8 years!

the sc

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So apparently posting from my email messes up the formating and does way too much paragraph...let's we if posting from safari is any better. I'm sure the paragraphing will be fine, but it's the lagginess I'm more concerned about. Will it start lagging if I post too much?

the sc

Testing post

Im testing how blogging from my email works on the itouch, using the
app TouchType lite. So far so good, much much easier to type and
there's no lagginess like there is sometimes if safari on certain
websites. Hmmm...doesn't appear as if I can scroll up and down the
screen very easily...oh, nevermind. Just needed more lines to be out
of screen!

If paragraphs will work I will be one happy man. Honestly, I don't get
why people like twitter so much. Hardly any room to write your
thoughts out on and there are soooooo many people using it it's
impossible to follow a conversation, on the itouch at least.

Alright I'm sending this in, wish me luck! (really regretting that the
itouch doesn't have a camera right now, would have been able to post
pics from a different app. Ah well, y'all just have to settle for my
descriptions if something I want to take a pic of comes up)

G-d bless,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Class right now

Waiting for the proff to come in. Can't believe I'm so tired after 8 hours of sleeping!

The sc

Monday, February 16, 2009

Weird things are happening to me...

I just had two gals greet me in class (by name!)...and I can't recognize them. I mean, for the first at least I can acknowledge that we are acquaintences, but the second in have no recognition whatsoever. Maybe from high school? Or ou freshman orientation class?

I got no idea...

the sc

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Worked out today

And it was terribly rewarding. I added 5 pounds to a couple of my exercises and finally got a hint of that rush I used to get 2 years ago after a workout. Right now I'm starting to study some good old physiology, never fails to relax me enough to want to go to sleep :)


Friday, January 30, 2009

Getting ready to sleep...

But this itouch business is so darn addicting! The keyboard takes a little getting used to, but after a while you may even learn how to type with two fingers; as I'm doing right now. I think most people haven't realized just how much apps there are in iTunes. There's a massive amount of stuff there, many of them junk or ridiculously expensive, but occasionally you find a few gems. Like this app, it allows me to blog staight from by iPod touch. Very convenient. And so is my to do app, iPricrastinator, which despite it's lack of physical appearance is pretty handy in organizing assignments according to subject.

Speaking of subjects... So far nursing school seems to be pretty good, albeit it us going to be a heck of a lot more stressfull if I'm procrastinating at the same rate I am now. Seriously, I need to get to sleep now so I can workout tomorrow morning and catch up on my reading the rest of the day!

But before I say good night, I just wanted it be known that I did workout yesterday, for an hour, and I did go running, with a friend for two minutes (he's not the most avid runner). So now that, that's known, I'll update y'all on my class life tomorrow or sometime. Right now I just wanna sleep and see how much I wrote on this itouch. Hopefully the batteries won't die before I hit submit...already got two warnings.

Good night and G-d bless,
Edit: it worked!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm in my nursing lab right now

Fun class so far, kinds akward from my perspective..