Friday, January 30, 2009

Getting ready to sleep...

But this itouch business is so darn addicting! The keyboard takes a little getting used to, but after a while you may even learn how to type with two fingers; as I'm doing right now. I think most people haven't realized just how much apps there are in iTunes. There's a massive amount of stuff there, many of them junk or ridiculously expensive, but occasionally you find a few gems. Like this app, it allows me to blog staight from by iPod touch. Very convenient. And so is my to do app, iPricrastinator, which despite it's lack of physical appearance is pretty handy in organizing assignments according to subject.

Speaking of subjects... So far nursing school seems to be pretty good, albeit it us going to be a heck of a lot more stressfull if I'm procrastinating at the same rate I am now. Seriously, I need to get to sleep now so I can workout tomorrow morning and catch up on my reading the rest of the day!

But before I say good night, I just wanted it be known that I did workout yesterday, for an hour, and I did go running, with a friend for two minutes (he's not the most avid runner). So now that, that's known, I'll update y'all on my class life tomorrow or sometime. Right now I just wanna sleep and see how much I wrote on this itouch. Hopefully the batteries won't die before I hit submit...already got two warnings.

Good night and G-d bless,
Edit: it worked!

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