Hello everyone,
First off: I decided to restart my blog! I think that it will help a lot in my time alone with God. And, if not with God, then at least I can complain to someone...even if noone reads this. :P That said, I think it would be best if I start off with what happened so far and without all that emotional stuff I will get into later.
On Christian Forums:
On this fine website I became a mod during the summer. This 183,535 member website is quite busy and as desperately looking for new mods. The requirements and application page is available to anyone on the bottom of any CF page "Be a mod" is the title. I am not allowed to talk about any inside stuff, like reports, etc. but will tell you all about something. I've created a Prayer Team. This team's basic function, so far, is to pray for anyone who submits a prayer request. My plans are, however, to make something like this:

So there is the Prayer Team and then it is divided into 5 subgroups. Each subgroup has a different mission, but it's up to the leaders to decide whether they would like to divide the subgroups further up into smaller groups or just let it be. The mission statements for each subgroup is stated under the graph. I really hope that we can get this new structure off the ground soon, it's been waiting for a couple weeks, but it all really depends on how fast Erwin makes the private forums for the Team. Speaking of which, he made a fellow mod of CF the head of the Team, so we decided to cohead it. Since I already have a Team with members in place. 40 some members to be exact. My hope? My biggest hope is that this is God's will. That I'm not just doing it for me, but for God's glory. I also hope that with the Team we can help CF's mission of "Uniting All Christians As One Body".
That's one new thing. The other is that I'm planning to start an Accountability Group on CF. It would look something like this:

Again, the Accountability Group will be split into 2 different groups, and then that split into 3 different groups. The purpose? To help people grow in faith and to help CF's mission statement to go along. Because of the responses I received from the other mods, supers, and admins, I think that the Omega Team, a team of pastors on CF, should head this. They know how to handle people, how to help them grow, how to direct such an Accountability Group, and how to organize such a group. Again, I hope this is God's will.
In real life:
I'm going to college next year! Not just college, but Taize and a missions trip to the Dominican Republic as well! Or so I thought...God moved to prevent these and other trips abroad. How? Well...my mom took the Citizenship test in the US to become a citizen. She passed and with her all her sons and daughters. So now I'm a citizen. However, as a consequence to this, our Hungarian passports are now unusable. The simple reason is that once we get out of the country, we (I) will have to do the whole test over, complete with waiting a few months to wait for the new passport to arrive. Currently it is set to arrive, at the earliest, at the exact date that I would come back from the missions trip. So all my out of the country plans are gone. Taize has been canceled simply because my father said that the experience at this French monastery will overwhelm me and thus make me unprepared for college. And I listened.
Furthermore, I am filling out scholarship applications from our school, all 30 of them, and submitting them by April 12th. So far I have around 20 done, counting those where I need my class rank and freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior GPAs. All of which I need to get from my Guidance Counselor. It'll be fun! ;)
That's it for now! I promised not to get into any emotional stuff, so I won't talk about God or my life. Ya'll are up to date!
May God watch over us all and keep us in His love and mercy,
First off: I decided to restart my blog! I think that it will help a lot in my time alone with God. And, if not with God, then at least I can complain to someone...even if noone reads this. :P That said, I think it would be best if I start off with what happened so far and without all that emotional stuff I will get into later.
On Christian Forums:
On this fine website I became a mod during the summer. This 183,535 member website is quite busy and as desperately looking for new mods. The requirements and application page is available to anyone on the bottom of any CF page "Be a mod" is the title. I am not allowed to talk about any inside stuff, like reports, etc. but will tell you all about something. I've created a Prayer Team. This team's basic function, so far, is to pray for anyone who submits a prayer request. My plans are, however, to make something like this:
So there is the Prayer Team and then it is divided into 5 subgroups. Each subgroup has a different mission, but it's up to the leaders to decide whether they would like to divide the subgroups further up into smaller groups or just let it be. The mission statements for each subgroup is stated under the graph. I really hope that we can get this new structure off the ground soon, it's been waiting for a couple weeks, but it all really depends on how fast Erwin makes the private forums for the Team. Speaking of which, he made a fellow mod of CF the head of the Team, so we decided to cohead it. Since I already have a Team with members in place. 40 some members to be exact. My hope? My biggest hope is that this is God's will. That I'm not just doing it for me, but for God's glory. I also hope that with the Team we can help CF's mission of "Uniting All Christians As One Body".
That's one new thing. The other is that I'm planning to start an Accountability Group on CF. It would look something like this:
Again, the Accountability Group will be split into 2 different groups, and then that split into 3 different groups. The purpose? To help people grow in faith and to help CF's mission statement to go along. Because of the responses I received from the other mods, supers, and admins, I think that the Omega Team, a team of pastors on CF, should head this. They know how to handle people, how to help them grow, how to direct such an Accountability Group, and how to organize such a group. Again, I hope this is God's will.
In real life:
I'm going to college next year! Not just college, but Taize and a missions trip to the Dominican Republic as well! Or so I thought...God moved to prevent these and other trips abroad. How? Well...my mom took the Citizenship test in the US to become a citizen. She passed and with her all her sons and daughters. So now I'm a citizen. However, as a consequence to this, our Hungarian passports are now unusable. The simple reason is that once we get out of the country, we (I) will have to do the whole test over, complete with waiting a few months to wait for the new passport to arrive. Currently it is set to arrive, at the earliest, at the exact date that I would come back from the missions trip. So all my out of the country plans are gone. Taize has been canceled simply because my father said that the experience at this French monastery will overwhelm me and thus make me unprepared for college. And I listened.
Furthermore, I am filling out scholarship applications from our school, all 30 of them, and submitting them by April 12th. So far I have around 20 done, counting those where I need my class rank and freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior GPAs. All of which I need to get from my Guidance Counselor. It'll be fun! ;)
That's it for now! I promised not to get into any emotional stuff, so I won't talk about God or my life. Ya'll are up to date!
May God watch over us all and keep us in His love and mercy,
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