Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Oh happy day!

Oh happy day!

The following happened to me in the course of about 7 hours:
  1. I got back the research paper I was writing from someone to whom I sent it to for review, it was half finished and he still learned something (so he said)
  2. Another person volunteered to read it as well
  3. I took a comparative religious thought "exam" (quiz)
  4. My paper was handed back to me from that same class, and I got a 20/20 on it...the professor said it was "like...wow!"
  5. I was writing my research paper and realized that I needed more sources for France...and it turned out a book I got from the library was never opened and it is perfect!
  6. About 30 minutes after that realization, as I was reading my source, the nicest FedEx lady you ever saw knocked on our door and told us that "your computer has arrived". Turns out it's the laptop I sent to HP, and they sent it back a whole 10 days earlier than promised! Now I'm using wifi to write this as we speak!
  7. I managed to get a 91% in my Bio Lab class!! Which brought me up to a 88% overall and bettered my chances at getting an A for Bio at all. Now all I need is a 76/80 on this exam to get an A, before I needed a 79/80.
I wonder what will happen next...will I be able to finish this paper by 7pm instead of 9 like yesterday? :D

*Thank you L-rd for the blessings you have shown to me, please allow me to show the same to You*

G-d bless,
the sc

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