I pray all of you had a mighty fine July 4th this morning, we sure did! The following pictures were taken by my mom, during the parade going in front of our house. Candy was all over the place! Please note, the dates are not real at the bottom right of the pictures, I did not find how to disable them yet on the camera, any help appreciated.

Take a look at this beauty, doesn't is just make you want to go out there and drive? I love electric cars, and this baby is the only one I've seen in all of my area, including the cities next to mine. But it's so adorable! Simple, yet elegant. Fun, yet serious. Certainly slow. Just one thing, what about the color? A bit obtrusive, I think. Take a look at the car though, once your inside you are
inside. I suppose it's the same with people, some of us are bright, obtrusive lime green on the outside, but once you look inside you see the true self of us. Some of us are slow to move to G-d, some of us make the world gawk at out physique. But more than likely, all of us are different on the inside. He made us different. All 6 billion of us.

Spongebob Squarepants!

What parade is without this character? Of course, all the kids loved him, even my brothers! As Spongebob was walking down the street, he was attacked by 3 small children with ages ranging from anywhere between 5 and 10. Adorable. Notice the clever disguise of spongebob, with the person's head on the inside of hat. Everything is still perfect though!

Ronald McDonald was a natural, just like in the commercials...minus the exercise and 'I'm loving it!' slogan. He even talked to the kids on the ground! One of them commented about Ronald's beautiful hair, to which Ronald responded with a prompt "Thanks dog!", rap style. Oh, and before I forget, our side of the street got tootsie rolls. The otherside? Ice Cream! What kind of service is that?!

You've got to remember our veterans, however, so the following two pictures are our men in service. We had tanks roll by, police cars, firefighters, and these guys. I truly respect them. And the beard...these guys have my utmost respect and love.

My mother took a picture of this adorable horse. She just had to, could not resist the urge. Afterall, what other horse has it's own, personal tag on the tail and braided hair? :)
last image has to do with a car with one broom attached to the end of it. A cleaning urge I suppose.
One last time, Happy July Fourth America and may G-d bless you all!
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